AEW Rampage Results for May 31, 2024
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AEW Rampage Results for May 31, 2024


This episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the fabulous KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

It’s Friday and you know what that means!


TNT Championship Eliminator Match!

The Don Callis Family’s “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita 


Penta El Zero Miedo!

Everyone is barred from ringside.

Penta dropped Takeshita with two arm drags after a flurry of offense between the two. Takeshita left the ring to gather his thoughts and collect himself. Takeshita back dropped Penta El Zero Miedo on the apron. Takeshita blasted Penta with a brain buster in the ring. 

Takeshita had Penta on his shoulders on the top turnbuckle, but Penta escaped. Penta took down Takeshita with a sling blade. Penta jumped over the top rope with a tope con hiro!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Takeshita walloped Penta with a deadlift wheelbarrow German Suplex. Penta fired back with a Made in Japan for a near fall on “The Alpha”! Takeshita leveled Penta with a lariat. Penta rallied back with a Canadian Destroyer on Takeshita on the apron!

Takeshita stunned Penta with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall on Penta. Takeshita drilled Penta with a knockout shot and then finished him off with the power drive knee to score the pin!

Renee Paquette interviewed FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho backstage!

Jericho was accompanied by Big Bill and “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith. Renee wondered why Jericho wasn’t at the announcers’ desk for Rampage tonight.

Jericho said last week he was attacked so he’s decided to step down from his role as commentator on Rampage. Jericho said even though he’s stepping down, he’ll have more TV time to devote to Collision and Dynamite each week.

Satnam Singh (with Sonjay Dutt) vs. “Pretty” Peter Avalon!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the commentary team since Jericho no longer felt safe at the desk.

Satnam got on his back and ordered Avalon to pin him. Avalon covered Satnam but Satnam pushed him right off. Satnam put Avalon in a bear hug, rag dolled Avalon, and the ref stopped the match right away! The referee awarded the decision to Satnam in a decisive victory.

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm (with Mariah May & Luther)


Viva Van!

Viva Van applied an arm bar, but Toni reached the ropes with her boot, forcing the ref to break the hold. Toni hip checked Viva Van and then knocked Viva Van out of the ring with a running hip attack.

Toni and Viva Van exchanged chops and forearms in the center of the ring. Toni jabbed at the challenger and then clocked her with a big right elbow shot! Toni used a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall on Viva Van. 

Viva Van clobbered Toni with an ax kick for a near fall. Viva Van hoisted up Toni on her shoulders. Toni escaped and German Suplexed Viva Van. Toni smashed Viva Van with a running hip attack, followed up with the Storm Zero and pinned Viva Van!

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jordan Cruz!

Kyle peppered Jordan with kicks right out of the gate. Kyle wrenched on Jordan’s arm. Kyle clobbered Jordan with ground and pound palm strikes. Kyle applied an arm bar and Jordan tapped out immediately! 

“Kyle has plenty of momentum heading into Collision tomorrow night,” said Excalibur.

“I think it’s the biggest match of his career, taking on Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship,” replied Tony Schiavone. 

Rampage Main Event Time!

Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Isiah Kassidy!

Fenix stunned Kassidy with a big dropkick right on target. Kassidy intercepted a thrust kick and went for a hurracanrana, but Fenix landed on his feet. Kassidy clocked Rey with a reverse hurracanrana, but Rey Fenix popped up and nailed Kassidy with a German Suplex.

Rey Fenix jumped onto the ropes and took down Kassidy with a hurracanrana, who was also on the ropes! Rey Fenix blasted Brother Zay with a gut buster. Zay regained some momentum with a guillotine cutter on the ropes and the flipped over the top rope, landing onto Rey Fenix. Brother Zay spiked Rey Fenix with a DDT for a near fall. 

Kassidy rocked Rey with a Canadian Destroyer. Kassidy went up top for a senton atomico, but Rey dodged it. Rey ran the top rope and punted Kassidy in the face. Rey Fenix connected with a frog splash, but Zay kicked out at the two-count!

“We’ve got a barn burner on our hands,” said Excalibur.

Rey Fenix hoisted up Kassidy and planted him with a double underhook on his head! Rey covered Kassidy and scored the pin!

I’m not even sure what to call that move! A back and forth battle but ultimately a victory for Rey Fenix,” said Excalibur. 

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Acrisure Arena in Palm Springs, CA!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Blue Arena in Loveland, CO!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

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